Automation market leader

We provide innovative Product Solutions for sustainable progress.

we are the leading Engineering Services and Solutions provider with rich domain knowledge in Industrial Automation, Design Engineering, Software Development, Plant IT, Manufacturing Integration & Intelligence, and Plant Data Reporting & Analytics.

Systems we offer

We provide innovative Product systems for company's growth and production progress.

Indutri provide the best service for sustainable progress

We build powerful industry

We offer platform independent Engineering Services and customized Solutions across 10+ industry verticals such as Food & Beverages, Consumer Goods, Pharmaceuticals, Material Handling, Automotive, Infrastructure & Utilities, Energy & Power, Oil & Gas, and Metals & Mining. We are the One-Stop Shop for all automation needs & enable our clients to achieve ‘Engineering Excellence’.



Material Handling


Glass & Ceramic

Food & Beverage






Waste water treatment

Client testimonials

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Industries Served

Our recent projects

We are servicing a global clients in more than 100 countries

There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.

There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.

There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.

There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in that some form by injected randomised words which don’t look even as slightly believable now.

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    Let’s Build your future today

    We experienced in waste water treatment plants and data acquisition, analysis of process parameter with daily data logging and MAS data report generation as well.

    Talent and Team Development:

    Encourage collaboration and cross-functional teamwork to leverage the collective expertise within your organization.

    Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility:

    Engage in community and industry initiatives to showcase your dedication to making a positive impact beyond profits.
    years of experience

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